The Keys at Cotee River

7616 Washington Street

Port Richie, FL 34668

Service: 1 Gbps Residential Internet

Contract: Not Required


*** UNITS LIVE ***

KUDUCOM Residential Internet Service

Please complete the form below to request either new service or assistance with your existing account. The information contained on this form will help us complete your request in a timely manner.

Llene el siguiente formulario para solicitar un nuevo servicio o asistencia con su cuenta existente. La información contenida en este formulario nos ayudará a completar su solicitud de manera oportuna. 

    Resident Name / Nombre del Residente
    Resident Email / Email del Residente
    Request Type / Tipo de Solicitud
    Resident Phone Number / Teléfono del Residente
    Unit Number / Número Unidad
    Language Preference / Idioma Preferido

    Additional Contact and Follow-up

    If the form above is not working or you would like additional information, please call 656-900-KUDU (5838) or email for residential support.

    The KUDUCOM Support team is available 7:00 am to 9:00 pm seven days a week for issues impacting service delivery. The majority of issues can be resolved over the phone or by email. For issues outside of those hours, problems will be addressed first thing the following calendar day. For issues that require a dispatch, our install team will be dispatched the following business day.

    However, any problems causing global or regional service interruption are observed by our network operations team and worked on immediately.